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Why Project ARGO?
Our NHS frontline workers have been in a fight to save lives in the face of Covid -19. Referred to as ‘Heroes’, they have become a national symbol of hope in the face of adversity.
But what has the impact been on these dedicated professionals who risk their own lives to save others? The unprecedented pressures that have arisen from Covid-19, combined with extreme emotional and physical fatigue have had a huge impact on staff, with some describing their working environment as a ‘warzone’.
But not only have they been caring for their patients, they have been bridging the emotional gap between patient and family at this isolating time. The toll this is taking is sadly becoming evident as many talk of their own trauma and mental health as a result of these experiences.
Project Argo would like to offer help to our NHS by providing the means to start the journey of relief and recovery using a model that has proven successful in supporting military personnel affected by operations. Turn to Starboard, the Forces' sailing charity, uses sailing as a vehicle to enable likeminded personnel to come together, connect and share stories while engaging in a calming, team-based activity in and around the beautiful coast of Cornwall.
This immersive experience, away from home and work, has had a profound impact in helping people to come to terms with their experiences and move forward with their lives.
Turn to starboard and the Project ARGO team would like to replicate these opportunities for our NHS frontline workers and remind them that we, the general public, want to care and support them just as they have, and continue to, care for us.
To support our cause, please click on the Donate button at the top and help us to help them.